Friday, July 22, 2011

Massachusetts School Launches 1:1 iPad Program for Students in Grades 3-8

Tweeted by @SNewco

The article states that Tower School in Boston's North Shore has put money together to get each kid his or her own ipad for the upcoming school year. The program was piloted last year with great results. One science teacher was amazed at the quality of work the students were able to put together with the ipad. Also, how easy it is to grade work because it's all online. They have also set up an online community for the students to have discussions and help each other with any issues with the work.

I feel like this is the first step in the right direction. It's good to see a rich community show how effective technology can be to students. I would like to see this tech spread around to the students that could benefit from it the most, sooner than later. The "Hole in the Wall" experiment by Sugata Mitra showed how technology helps the most underperforming students the most, while students who already perform well only see a small increase. I think this technology would be a great asset to teachers in Chicago public schools. I hope AUSL comes through with all it's connections and I see ipads in my classroom, wherever it is.

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