Monday, July 4, 2011

PLN #1 Four New Initiatives from the Department of Ed

I am finally following the full 10 twitter accounts in education and technology. I decided to follow @elemenous who retweeted an article from the Office of Ed Tech. The article was about 4 new initiatives by the Dept of Ed to integrate technology into american education throughout the country. The first point was giving data on where broadband is throughout the country an which schools have access to it. The idea is that as more of the country has access to broadband the more connected all of the public schools should be. Another more interesting point was how valuable it is to have a professional profile for connecting to other educators. More and more teachers will be connected across the country and world in order to share research, new projects, and new ideas on how to be a more effective teacher.
The education community is growing very fast now that everybody can be connected through the web. This will be a valuable asset to me going forward in my career. I feel lucky to be teaching in a time where all of my colleagues can share info on what is going on in their classroom. Also, this article also excites me because it shows that the DOE is ready to move into the technological age of education. Having it be a movement across the nation will help all students and teachers learn more quickly. This is an asset we must take advantage of as educators. We can't afford to be behind the curve. Our students need us to give them every advantage we can.

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